Numerals, Calculations
1 | one | | 21 | twenty-one | |
2 | two | | 22 | twenty-two | |
3 | three | | 23 | twenty-three | |
4 | four | | 30 | thirty | |
5 | five | | 40 | forty | |
6 | six | | 50 | fifty | |
7 | seven | | 60 | sixty | |
8 | eight | | 70 | seventy | |
9 | nine | | 80 | eighty | |
10 | ten | | 90 | ninety | |
11 | eleven | | 100 | a hundred | |
12 | twelve | | 101 | one hundred and one | |
13 | thirteen | | 102 | one hundred and two | |
14 | fourteen | | 200 | two hundred | |
15 | fifteen | | 700 | seven hundred | |
16 | sixteen | | 900 | nine hundred | |
17 | seventeen | | 1000 | a thousand | |
18 | eighteen | | 7000 | seven thousand | |
19 | nineteen | | 1 000 000 | a million | |
20 | twenty | | 3 752 | three thousand seven hundred and fifty-two | |
0 |
zero, naught, nil, love |
1 000 000 000 (GB) |
milliard |
1 000 000 000 (USA) |
billion |
- Fractions - Zlomky
- 1/2 = one half (of the tax)
- 1/3 = a / one third (of the income)
- 1/4 = a / one quarter
- 1/5 = a / one fifth
- 5/8 = five eighths
- 112/213 = a hundred and twelve over two hundred and thirteen
- Decimal numbers - Desetinná čísla
- 0.29 = (nought) point twenty-nine (GB); zero point twenty-nine
- 4.55 = four point fifty-five
Calculations - Početní úkony
- Addition - Sčítání
- 8 + 7 = 15
What's eight and / plus seven? Eight and / plus seven is / are fifteen.
- 811 + 131 = 944
Eight hundred and eleven plus a hundred and thirty-one is / equals nine
hundred and forty-four.
- Subtraction - Odčítání
- 8 - 3 = 5
Eight from three leaves / is five.
- 518 - 347 = 171
Five hundred and eighteen minus three hundred and forty-seven is / equals
a hundred and seventy-one.
- Multiplication - Násobení
- 18 x 256 = 4608
Eighteen times / multiplied by two hundred and fifty-six is / makes / equals
four thousand six hundred and eight.
- Division - Dělení
- 264 : 8 = 33
Two hundred and sixty-four divided by eight is / equals thirty-three.
- Raising to a power - Umocňování
- 52 = 25
Five squared is / equals twenty-five.
- 53 = 125
Five cubed is / equals a hundred and twenty-five.
- 56 = 15 625
Five to the sixth (power) is / equals fifteen thousand six hundred and twenty-five.
- Extraction of a root - Odmocňování
- The square root of nine is / equals three.
- The cube root of twenty-seven is / equals three.
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