English on the Internet - Useful English

Numerals, Calculations

11eleven100a hundred
12twelve101one hundred and one
13thirteen102one hundred and two
14fourteen200two hundred
15fifteen700seven hundred
16sixteen900nine hundred
17seventeen1000a thousand
18eighteen7000seven thousand
19nineteen1 000 000a million
20twenty3 752three thousand seven hundred and fifty-two

0 zero, naught, nil, love
1 000 000 000 (GB) milliard
1 000 000 000 (USA) billion

Fractions - Zlomky
1/2 = one half (of the tax)
1/3 = a / one third (of the income)
1/4 = a / one quarter
1/5 = a / one fifth
5/8 = five eighths
112/213 = a hundred and twelve over two hundred and thirteen

Decimal numbers - Desetinná čísla
0.29 = (nought) point twenty-nine (GB); zero point twenty-nine
4.55 = four point fifty-five

Calculations - Početní úkony

Addition - Sčítání
8 + 7 = 15
What's eight and / plus seven? Eight and / plus seven is / are fifteen.
811 + 131 = 944
Eight hundred and eleven plus a hundred and thirty-one is / equals nine hundred and forty-four.

Subtraction - Odčítání
8 - 3 = 5
Eight from three leaves / is five.
518 - 347 = 171
Five hundred and eighteen minus three hundred and forty-seven is / equals a hundred and seventy-one.

Multiplication - Násobení
18 x 256 = 4608
Eighteen times / multiplied by two hundred and fifty-six is / makes / equals four thousand six hundred and eight.

Division - Dělení
264 : 8 = 33
Two hundred and sixty-four divided by eight is / equals thirty-three.

Raising to a power - Umocňování
52 = 25
Five squared is / equals twenty-five.
53 = 125
Five cubed is / equals a hundred and twenty-five.
56 = 15 625
Five to the sixth (power) is / equals fifteen thousand six hundred and twenty-five.

Extraction of a root - Odmocňování
The square root of nine is / equals three.
The cube root of twenty-seven is / equals three.

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