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Area: 78 864 sq.km
Population: 10 315 000
Density: 131 people per sq.km
Capital: Prague

Other large cities:
Brno 390 thousand people
Ostrava 350 thousand people
Plzen 170 thousand people
Olomouc 105 thousand people

Currency: Czech crown
Language: Czech (one of the Slav languages)
Head of State: Vaclav Havel (president)
Prime Minister: Milos Zeman

Geography and climate:
The Czech Republic (comprising Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) is situated in the centre of Europe between 48 and 51 degrees of North latitude and 12 and 19 degrees of East longitude. It borders on the Federal Republic of Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Austria. The prevailing continental climate is characterised by mild winters and warm summers. The mean annual temperature is 10°C, in summer months 20°C, and in winter about -5°C.

Public holidays of the Czech Republic:
New Year's Day January 1
Easter Monday movable
Labour Day May 1
Day of Liberation from Fascism May 8
Day of Slav Apostles Cyril and Methodius July 5
Day of John Huss'death at stake July 6
Day of the Czech Statehood September 28
Day of origin of independent Czechoslovakia October 28
Day of Freedom and Democracy November 17
Christmas holidays December 24-26

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