English on the Internet - English Magazine


February 18, 2001

It seems that almost every month has a National or Federal holiday to celebrate. This means that workers get the day of with pay or if they need to work get their hourly wage plus half their hourly wage for each hour they worked. An example is if you make five dollars an hour and you work on a holiday you will be paid seven dollars and fifty cents an hour for that day. In the month of February there are two days celebrated but only one is a National holiday. On February 14 sweethearts, spouses, and lovers exchanged gifts of love. This could be candy, flowers, or any special gift of love. This is not a day when a worker would get the extra pay for working that day.

Presidents Day is a National holiday so they will earn the extra money if they work that day in most businesses. Banks and government offices will be closed for business to honor all Presidents past and present. This year it will be on Monday February 19. Having it on a Monday means a long weekend for workers where their business closes for this holiday.

Americans love holiday and special days because it keeps the economy moving. It is also a time to show loved ones how much you care. National holidays mean time off from work to rest and relax. The USA is probably the only country in the world with so many holidays or special occasion days. Next month they will celebrate the Irish holiday St. Patrick;'s day even if they aren't Irish.. The bars (taverns) will serve green colored beer and all businesses will decorate with shamrocks, and leprechauns to help celebrate this event. There will be sales in most businesses to bring in customers for the holiday. More about this holiday in the next article.

by Jane Custer - USA, has a BS in Communications and loves writing

© February 2001 English on the Internet www.aj.cz