English on the Internet - Listening & Pronunciation

Volunteer Work in Ecuador

A young American woman talks about working in Ecuador for a volunteer organization that sends young people to work in Latin America.
Recommended for advanced students.

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Length: 2:26
Speed: Fast
Accent: General US

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More difficult words in the text:

participate zúčastnit se něčeho, podílet se na něčem
target vybrat si za cíl
depend on záviset na čem
sanitation zdravotnické opatření
latrine latrína
volunteer dobrovolník
vaccine očkovací látka, vakcína
rabies vaccination očkování proti vzteklině
dental zubní
nutrition výživa
mural nástěnný


1. Who are the volunteers for the Amigos de las Americas program?

2. Why did the speaker choose Ecuador?

3. How long did she spend in Ecuador?

4. How did this visit to Ecuador change her life?

5. What is her overall assessment of the program?

© September 1999 English on the Internet www.aj.cz