English on the Internet - Idioms

Idioms 6

1. Acid test - prubířský kámen; zkouška ohněm
The project was an acid test of his leadership.
She is a good actress, but today's performance at the national will be an acid test for her.

2. Not to have a clue - nemít zdání, potuchy
They don't have a clue where to begin.
Susan should have never applied for this job. She hasn't got a clue what it involves.

3. To hold centre stage - být středem pozornosti, zaujímat klíčové postavení
A stable economy holds centre stage in our policy.
Reform of the House of Lords holds centre stage in the new proposals.

4. To keep at arm's length - držet si někoho od těla, snažit se zabránit příliš familiárnímu vztahu
The new chairperson keeps everybody at arm's length.
Since he has won in the lottery, Jeff is keeping all his friends at arm's length.

5. To promise the moon - slíbit nemožné
You know John. He promises the moon even when he knows very well he cannot possibly deliver.

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