English on the Internet - Tests & Quizzes

Various 14

Select the correct answer in the box on the right:


When do the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
A) On March 18 C) On April 15
B) On March 17 D) Never


We usually make an April fool of our friends on All Fools Day which is on ______ .
A) last Monday in May C) April 13
B) March 31 D) April 1


Mother's Day is on ______ .
A) second Sunday in June C) last Monday in May
B) first Sunday in May D) second Sunday in May


Trooping the Colour means the Official Birthday of the British Queen which is set on ______.
A) second Saturday in June C) second Sunday in June
B) second Saturday in July D) second Sunday in July


Father's Day all over the world is on ______ .
A) second Sunday in June C) second Sunday in July
B) third Sunday in July D) third Sunday in June


The Independence Day is commemorated on ______.
A) July 4 C) June 4
B) July 14 D) October 5


When do people in the USA celebrate Halloween?
A) On November 1 C) On December 31
B) On October 17 D) On October 31


People in the USA usually eat turkey and invite somebody who is lonely on Thanksgiving which is on ______.
A) fourth Thursday in November C) fourth Thursday in October
B) third Thursday in November D) third Thursday in October


Boxing Day in the UK is on ______.
A) December 23 C) December 26
B) December 31 D) December 25


People all over the world celebrate New Year's Eve on ______.
A) December 25 C) December 31
B) January 1 D) December 26

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