English on the Internet - Idioms

Idioms 11

1. To make ends meet - vyjít s penězi, vystačit s příjmem
I can hardly make ends meet on my salary.

2. At the expense of - na úkor něčeho nebo někoho, za určitou cenu
Sylvia would never go to work, she prefers to be on the dole - and live at the expense of other people. (dole = podpora v nezaměstnanosti)

3. To fight a losing battle - bojovat předem prohranou bitvu, marný boj
My brother says "Apple" are fighting a losing battle with "Microsoft".

4. To turn one's back - obrátit se k někomu zády, odmítnout někoho
When I needed her help, she turned her back on me.

5. To have got something down to a fine art - dostat něco na nejvyšší úroveň, stát se mistrem v určitém oboru
She's got shopping down to a fine art.

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